
Showing posts from May, 2018

The Vibrant Chronicles: The lilac letter

The subtle smell of lavender wafted through the room, and Penny, strapped to a wooden chair by means or rope, stared at her "brother" in disdainful curiosity. "You wear...perfume? He scowled and held up a letter. "Scented." "You're a terrible brother you know, you knocked me out and strapped me to a chair." "Well, in fairness you tried to shoot me." "In case it has escaped your notice, the world isn't fair. However, you're pretty oblivious so it probably has." "Tell me again, who's in the chair and who's not?" "Why, have you forgotten?" "I could kill you." "Perhaps, but you're a lunatic; lunatics never act as expected." "I'm not a lunatic." "I don't have a brother." "Then who am I?" "A lunatic." He put his face in his hands. "Now what does the letter say?" she inclined her head as her hands were

The Vibrant Chronicles: Magenta eyes

There are many kinds of quiet. Quiet that is not properly quiet but when there's so much white noise you simply hear nothing. And everything. Dead quiet, although no human, who could hear sound, had experienced such until science created a vacuum sort of quiet and men and women experienced it and felt pain at the utter lack of noise. Quiet a person who cannot hear sound hears. The soft quiet of night with crickets and rustling. The soft quiet of the sun rising and the animals stirring. Penny did not wish to hear such silence. Because if it was silent, that meant that everyone had died. And she would be. Alone. A breath, Penny stirred from her hiding place and then slumped back down as she realised it was her own. Mother and Father had told her to get into the small space in the wardrobe; she would not. As she would not, they told her the truth. That if she were to be out, she would die, but that they might not die. Silence meant death. "Where is she?" Penny exhale

1 Genius (Completely) Invention

1 Genius Invention (Or So I think) When you swim in the sea, if you do, what happens to your eyes? When you swim in a swimming pool (OMG, a swimming pool is called a swimming pool because you swim in it, utterly genius.  However, that is not the geniusness of this post), if you do, what happens to your eyes? When you swim in a lake, if you do, what happens to your eyes? IF YOU ACTUALLY SWIM IN A BODY OF WATER, OR RUNNING WATER, OR ANY KIND OF WATER, WHAT HAPPENS TO YOUR EYES!?!?!?!??!?! Do they die? Are they red? Do they hurt? Do you not swim? Your eyes will probably hurt. Unless you are immune.  Which is cool.  I am yet to meet someone who is immune to the effect water has on your eyes. The Genius Invention: GOGGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Definition:    close-fitting   glasses with side shields, for   protecting   the eyes from glare, dust, water, etc. Yep, my eyes do need protection, so I can see the beautiful colours of the world. That is why gogg