I Have No Idea What To Name This Post

The mist hung over us like a blanket, it's cold fingers probing the goosebumps on our arms.  Clumps of heather stuck out of the ground.  I was furiously polishing my glasses; the vision through them was distorted and unclear.  The mist, again, the heavy atmosphere it created, digging into my thoughts no matter how I tried to remove it.

Having already shouted myself hoarse, I curled up into a tiny ball, pretending I was in the warmth of my cosy and comfortable home.

The girl looked so helpless, unable to rise from the earth.  The mist was relentlessly pelting against us, so I felt the need to help her.

A form appeared out of the swirling mist.  It seemed ten feet tall, but I'm sure it was anything but.  The form bent over me, I could now see that it was about my height.  Still, I couldn't help but cringe away from anyone touching me.  I can't remember the last time I let someone willingly touch me.  It seemed like such a long time ago.  It was such a long time ago.


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