Alpha Bet VS Alphabet

Who will win this intense battle?

The Alpha Bet...
See how it looks like by clicking this...

Or, the Alphabet..
See how it looks like by clicking this...


Alpha Bet:
- best in everything
- created the first greek bet
- super competitive
- a type of evil clown

- very serious when talking about blood loss
- made vampires out of sunbeams
- very competitive
- a type of vampire but not


Alpha bet:
- can steal whatever skill its opponent has

- can contort into any alphabet
- can kill with just one bite
- can shoot blood from fangs
- great at combat


Alpha bet:
- takes 10 seconds of charging to steal skills

- recites the alphabet when exposed to sunlight

Let the battle BEGIN!

Alpha bet lashes out and throws Alphabet to the ground to begin stealing a skill. 
skill stolen - alphabet contortion

Alphabet recovers and spurts poisonous blood into Alpha bet's face.

Alpha bet tries to steal another skill but Alphabet goes in for the kill.

Just in the nick of time, Alpha bet snaps out of his trance and rolls away in the shape of an 'O'.

Suddenly, they both died...



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