Something's coming part 2 (discontinued)

I turned and I saw nothing. Kayla Greene started getting on my nerves. I was exhausted and set on edge.
"There's nothing there."
"Eight eyes. Eight red eyes."
"Eight eyes?"
I started laughing without humour.
"What's so funny? There are eight eyes! He's coming to get me."
"No, Miss Greene, nothing's there. You're ridiculous."
"You're right, nothing's there," she looked puzzled and confused and then she knocked her head with the bottom of her palm just to make sure there wasn't anything. There wasn't.

"Miss Greene?"
"Am I going mad?"
"I'm afraid you already are, Miss Greene."
"Being mad isn't fun," she said, sighing and frowning, "You see things."
"Well you aren't seeing anything now are you?"
"Then you're sane; at least for a moment. Miss Greene, why did you kill your sister?"
"I don't know," her face looked genuinely blank.
"Do you remember when you were mad?"

I looked at her and wondered. I wondered at her madness, and then her amiability, and then her calmness.
"Well, when you were mad, what did you remember?"
"Maria wanted to run away from home, she said daddy and mummy," although she was 14 she still spoke like a person half her age, then there was no expression on her face, and she lay blank. 
"Miss Greene?" I will not pretend I wasn't scared. I was petrified. Madness is something most humans cannot handle simply because they don't understand it. I was no exception.
"She wanted to run away and join a circus," her voice broke, "She said mummy and daddy were stuffed shirts. She said the circus was fun. She was going to leave me, and a man in a black cloak told me if I killed her, she would stay with me forever. He was wrong."
"Miss Greene, have you been diagnosed?"
"No. Not yet."
"I believe you have schizophrenia."
"What is that? Wait...he's there, behind you!" She screamed and summoned a ball of fire and blasted the wall behind me.
"How did you do that." It was more of a command, really, than a question.
"I do that sometimes. The madness turns to fire," she wiped her brow.


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