Some random post...

I realise that my latest few posts are a bit bad...

So I decided to make up to my fellow readers with a new series of Englishy stuff.

Here goes...

The room seemed much smaller than how I had remembered it as a child.  The faded leather of the sofa was still the same.  The redolent of the room was still the same.  And despite the dust, I could scrub away at the layers to my childhood.

Climbing up the wall, my hands finding the nooks and crannies instinctively, I was able to burrow into the straw of the loft the way I used to...

A harsh, nasal voice intervened in my peace.  I tunnelled deeper into the straw, hoping that this foreign being wouldn't locate me.

"Hello the cottage," exclaimed the voice.

A pair of rough, sun-browned hands reached through the hay and gripped my arms.

"Do you think that we wouldn't find you here?" 

I froze in shock.

Takeshi had returned.


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