What Jessica is known for....


Dis, my readers, is my chance to get revenge on Jessica Gan for posting a stupid post about me that made me leave the blog.

Anyway, now I have joined again.  That was a while ago.  Because a bunch of random people posted #WeLoveYouAnnie, totally not true, and I received two emails from the people who blog with me telling me to rejoin the blog or else.

I wish I had thought of this idea earlier. 


I will just copy the layout of Jessica's post, cuz why not?

What Jessica is known for...

1). Being super-smart

How many times has Jessica posted: Wahh, dis person ish so smart, dis other person aah, so englishy.

Then she says: I AM DUMB!!!!!

How is this true?

Well, I disagree.

Did I mention she always get 100% in any sort of test?

2). Pretending to be lazy

Ahhhh, laziness, a quality I possess. See? At the beginning, everything was done on time, towards the end, nothing is done on time.  JESSICA?  What happens to you? Aiyo, practically everything is on time.  Except that time when she lied about doing her Chinese homework.....

3). Being complimentary...

We've all read the passion post.  That weird one about me being weird and stuff.  Anyway, she praises everyone in the blog, (Especially Awesomeness_Burrito), and tells them that they are awesome, rite?

4). Singer... Lalalalalala!!!!!!

That... is me singing... This: La, la, hum, dum, ba, la, la, in nice tune is her singing.

It's called vibrato guys.  I don't have it.  She has it.

5).  This is 100% true and Jessica is unable to deny it: She is the best ever at 2048.  Like once I tried it and got something like 78340, and she got like 138759.....  I think..... Maybe not.


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