The Vibrant Chronicles: The last ebony

A great battle was fought. The Nameless One swung Green, slaughtering foe after foe, and his sister, Penny went to Hiems' peak, and indeed did she find what she was looking for, even through the bitter cold.

Weapons did not mean victory, Order had become very powerful, Creativity was turning into Chaos. They fought many moons and many years, until Penny was an adult, and she wielded her daggers as well as her brother. They fought until oceans crumbled and the sky turned to glass and shattered and the ice turned to sky. They fought until the sky and the earth severed and then interlocked again, and the stars feel and the night was completely dark. But still they fought. They fought until they died, until the world burned and from the ashes, the new kingdom was gone.

And that is why this story must be told. 

The lady with the silver streaked hair and the stern blue eyes cocked her head at her granddaughter, reiterating the tale.
"But why, granny?"
"Order and Creativity must be controlled. Order had become Restriction and Creativity had become Chaos. The world cannot be controlled by either, or it will burn once again."
"But I'm nine surely I don't need to know this.."
"But you do," but the grandmother had kept something a secret, the magenta eyes, and when she looked at her granddaughter's own magenta ones, she smiled.
The world burned and it will burn again. Unless someone stops it.


Phewf that's done. So my theory is that the granddaughter isn't related to Penny, but that in every lifetime there are some people that fight for its survival, and it tests them. So far no one has survived.


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