Post title
At this point, you know I've run out of ideas.
Post title is the ghost writing in every post title
(when it's empty)
This post is entitled "Post title".
Now let's describe this page I'm in.
On the top line of this page, there it the Blogger symbol along with the word Blogger.
Next to that is a line.
On the top right is nine squares
(Google apps).
Next to that is the white notifications bell in a grey circle.
Next to that is a Pink Fluffy Unicorn
(my profile picture).
On the line below that it says #AWESOME with a dot on it's right and the word Post written in orange.
Then is the long empty box where we put our post title
(my current post title is Post title).
Then is another PFU with the words

Then is the orange box with the white Publish in it.
Next to that is the light grey box with the word Save on it.
Next to that the same box with the word Preview on it.
And next to that the same box with the word Close on it.
Next comes the most complex line...
First, there are two grey boxes next to each other saying Compose and HTML. Then the "back" and "forward" symbols with a line separating them from the font selection and the text size selection. The another text size selection box. Then there is another vertical line before the bold, italics, underlined and
Then another vertical line and the text colour and highlighter selection followed by another vertical line. Now for the Link button to put in links and a little icon with a mountain and a blue sky to add images. Next to it is one of those film snappy things to add videos and next to that is a smiley face to insert "special characters" - I assume they are like emojis but they just look like symbols. Then there is a paper torn in half horizontally
(I don't know what that's for). Then comes another vertical line and then the page lineup thing, which lets you put your text in the middle, left, right or super neat on your page. Then the numbered list and bullet point things to add to your page (both come with three examples [3 numbers {1,2,3} and 3 bullet points {bullet point, bullet point, bullet point}] Then there are the filled in 66s ( the first speech mark ) and then a
bold, italicised, underlined capital T with a red cross on it's left corner. After another vertical line is an ABC with a green tick below it.
That's the hard part done...
On the right of the page, going down, there is the words Post settings written in orange with a little down arrow on its left. Below that, in black are many things. The word Labels with a little price tag on its left, the word Schedule with a little clock on its left reading 12:20, the word Links with a two links on chain on its left, the word Location with the location symbol on its left (if you don't know what that looks like, it is basically an upside down raindrop with a hole in the fat part), the words Search Description with a magnifying glass on its left and finally the word Options with a simple gear on its left.
These all open up into their own little sections which I'm not going to tell you about so you are in a bit of suspense to start your own blog by going to and fiddling around with stuff until you can get yourself sorted.
Finally, there is a little orange box at the bottom right corner of the page with the words Send feedback written in white.
The rest of the page is light grey with a big page in the middle where I'm writing now!!!
I really hope this random post is not too random!
Go ahead and start your own blog!!!
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