
My great friend, or so I hope, known to all of you as: A peculiar sort of author, can express all her feelings through English.  It is positively amazing.  I have been particularly inspired by all of it.  Therefore his has encouraged me to write something of my own.  It is not as long, complex, and awesome as A peculiar sort of author's, but I sort of worked hard at it so...

It was raining.  Silvery drops cascading from the sky.  As alluring as it looked, a strange sense of uneasiness was spreading, becoming highly conscientious.  A flare of lightning, flashing across the sky, seemed to seduce us into seeing hallucinations.  The view goes obscure.  Our vision is fading.  Never has the world felt so unforgiving.  We are floating through space.  Although it is absurd to be doing nothing.  This is what nothing feels like.

A cruel smile.  Doesn't it contain a hint of ambition, but does it comprise of fear like the being in front of me?


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