If I Were A Doughnut, What Would I Do????

Doughnuts, ah, doughnuts, the perfect unhealthy food.

If I were a doughnut, what would I do????

The first thought that would come to my mind:

OMG, I am a broken doughnut, there is a hole in me!!!

The second thought would probably be:

I'd rather have strawberry frosting instead of being a chocolate doughnut.

If I had a third thought, I would think, as a doughnut, of course:

That doughnut over there is staring at the floor, he looks kind of glazed.

Life as a doughnut would be odd.

I've actually been wondering, how is doughnut really spelt.  Is it doughnut, or donut?

I feel originally, it was doughnut, because it was made of dough, but nowadays it's called a donut, and don't ask me why...


Teacher:  If can't is short for cannot, what is don't short for?

Student: DOUGHNUT!

Sugar rush....

Guys, I think I'm sick, but not of doughnuts...

I feel really empty on the inside...


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