Water Melon VS Watermelon

Tickets are selling out to watch the Water Melon VS Watermelon.  All thanks to Jessica Gan for organizing the show.

Water Melon:
Image result for water  +Image result for melon = Watery Melon a. k. a. Water Melon


Fear Factor..........2

Colour: Green on the outside, and orange and clear in the middle (clear representing water)

Nasty Bits:

  • Can spurt boiling water at you
  • Ability to read minds


Image result for watermelon cartoon = Watermelon


Fear Factor.................4

Colour: Green skin, red flesh.

Nasty Bits:

  • Can shoot seeds at you
  • Learns from every attack its enemy makes.

Water Melon and Watermelon meet:

Water Melon spurts boiling water at Watermelon.

Watermelon doesn't see the attack coming, so Watermelon loses a limb.

Water Melon tries to read Watermelon's mind so Water Melon can find out what's going on...

Water Melon spurts more boiling water at Watermelon.

This time, Watermelon has learnt from Watermelon's mistake and deflects it off a metal can.  Now, Water Melon has lost a limb to.

But Watermelon has a trick up Watermelon's sleeve.
(Hem, hem, Watermelon doesn't actually have a sleeve but it's a nice saying)

Watermelon shoots seeds at Water Melon, targeting the place that Water Melon's boiling water comes from.

Now, Water Melon's boiling water holes are clogged.

Guys, it looks as though Watermelon will win........

But then, a blogger named Annie Jakes-McKay comes and eats them.

Happy endings!



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