The Lifelong Battles Between Brothers and Sisters

Siblings, ah, siblings, how different would life be if you didn't have siblings?

Unlike me, some people don't have any siblings, so they haven't experienced the dreadful bickering that accompanies the prospect of children.

Random Family:

Sam: Holly, mum said I could have the blue towel.

Holly: No Sam, she told you you could have the dark blue one, this one is light.


Siblings often bicker about the weirdest things.

Here's another good one:

*Christmas time*

Thomas: Dad, can I hang the angel on the Christmas tree this year?

Alice: No Thomas, you hung it on the tree last year, I distinctly remember Dad lifting you up to put it on the tree

*Thomas gives Alice a dirty look*

Another thing that has been happening forever...

My mother is the youngest of 3 children, girls, to be precise.  Constantly, she was picked on by her elder sister.

Mum carrying chocolate so she can eat it later, elder sister already eaten hers.

Elder sister reaches over and squishes Mum's hand, so chocolate melts and spills. :(!  No chocolate for you!

And to this day, my mother has had a grudge against her elder sister, and, to be frank, they aren't very close.

One of my parents favourite lines to my and my siblings: When you grow up, you'll love each other and forgive each other for all the horrible things you did to each other.

And this is what my brother probably would mutter under his breath: Fat chance...

The battles are lifelong.

*Cells in my body*

General:  Remember the tactics we discussed.  Swing a punch at his left jaw, then follow up with a cross to break his nose

Cells: Yes sir.

*Reaches the battle*

General: Don't forget the tactic soldiers...

[The soldiers would have completely forgotten the tactic by then]

Soldier 1: (wielding a sword) On guarde! [PS: I don't actually know how to spell it, so please correct me in the comments)

Soldier 2: (with a cannon) Aim, shoot, fire!!!!!!!  *Kaboom!!!!!!*

Soldier 3: (wielding an axe)  I will get you, whatever I do...

So much for my battle against my brother, who doesn't ever eat any fatty food, unlike me :)!

In case you were wondering, the result of the battle would be: 

Me: Mum, he's hitting me again!!!!!!!!!

Mum: Don't hit your sister!

And I end up with black eyes!!!!

The end.

The violent side to sibling battling is over.

The End.

I could do verbal battling, but I'm way to lazy. Sorry guys!



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