hiatus + hair tips

HONESTLY, the last time I posted was maybe two or three months ago? I won't lie. It's been a while. Not only that, but I haven't any inspiration to write either. BUT HEY, I'M BACK.

That being said, I'll be on hiatus, meaning I'll not be blogging for quite a while, for the same reason I've been gone.

Now, on to the actual topic; hair.

I have monstrous, frizzy, long, straight, tangled, not very thick messy hair. It takes me up to fifteen minutes to finish brushing my wet hair. So I thought I'd spare you guys some tips on how to manage hair like mine.

1: CONSTANTLY brush it.

I know it may be trouble some but it really helps from saving your hair from being Tangela after not brushing it for a while.

2: Brushing technique.

It is easier to rid of tangles if you brush the tips of your hair first, then work upwards until you reach your roots.


When your hair is tangled, I know that it's very frustrating to brush therefore you sometimes brush too hard and end up pulling your hair. DO NOT DO THIS. It weakens your root and can result in more fall-out.

4: Fake ads.

This isn't really a tip but still important. NO PILL CAN MAKE YOUR HAIR THICKER. Sure, maybe some can make your hair grow, but thickness? That's in your genes. So the ads and products that say it can make your hair thicker is probably a lie.

5: Blow-drying or air-drying.

It is said that blow-drying your hair is bad for your hair. Well, yes and no.

If you have long hair (and/or thick hair), it is better to blow-dry it. Why? If you leave it to dry naturally and it takes very long to dry, the water or dampness in your hair will wash out the keratin, making your hair weaker. Instead, you should blow-dry it because it does less damage.

If you have short hair, then air-dry it. It shouldn't take that long to dry so just leave it be.

That's all the tips today, and I won't post in a while. Sorry.

~ e l i y a


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