A rubbish post with a hell lot of meaning - Why there is nothing...

There is anything before nothing after before any nothing. We need to understand this. The feelings of emptiness in your life is nothing abnormal. Why we feel this strange feeling when we don't feel like doing anything even thought you have a lot to do is strange.

There is nothing after anything before after no anything. We need to understand this. The feelings of awkwardness as we try to fit in is nothing abnormal. Why we feel out of place and left out makes me think of different things and that is strange.

There can be nothing after the no nothingness and some somethingness in our afterwards beginnings. The feelings of dumbness overtake imagination in the race for a better life. Why we feel we are worth nothing make us feel like nothing in a something type of way. That is strange.

2 times I have told myself that there is something before nothing in nothing, but there would then be nothing in something before something. There would be something in nothing in something. So there would be something in something. Something is the same as nothing. We are told to care for everybody. When you say people are nobody, they are somebody for nobody's cause and are nobody for somebody's cause. I am neither. Everyone is neither. But why?

Because everyone of us individuals cannot be defined by anything. Everything we learn in school. Adjectives, key phrases that describe us. They mean nothing. You don't need to have characters in books. You can just make books out of numbers and fingerprints and photos. Even if you have a twin, you will not have the same DNA and fingerprint as them. We are all different. Let's keep it that way.

As for the people we love and care for, there is something between. The feeling of giving up some of your identity for them. The feeling of connection and closeness. The feeling of unsilenced faces. That has nothing to it, yet it is something we need to appreciate. 

You are something you need to appreciate.

Be confident.

There may be nothing.

But you may be something.


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