How Do You Know A Ruler Is Accurate??????????

For starters, I know there are too many question marks.

Secondly, does every single ruler you see have the exact same measurements, from millicentimetre to millicentimetre??????????
Image result for two different rulers

I mean, look at that pic.

The first ruler doesn't even show the actual centimetres themselves.  So what if it is wrong??????????

Image result for incorrect ruler

Now, how veracious do you reckon these rulers are??????????

Completely unreliable...

Ruler in Chinese is ç›´å°º

I learnt that when I was 7 years old.

In case you were wondering.

Which I doubt you were.

So yeah...

A common line for people that are totally obsessed with English:
(I really do not mean you A Peculiar Sort Of Author because you probably will read this post sooner or later.)

Question: Annie Jakes-McKay, are you aware that yes has an s at the end?

My response typing:  Well, of course.  But yeah sounds so much cooler than yes.  I did hear that it is impolite to say ya though...

Rulers.  Are used to measure distances and draw straight lines.  They tend to be thin.  You would be super-lucky to get a thick one.  

Image result for thick ruler

I saw this one on Amazon.

It was 37.9% off.

But I didn't get it.

'Cause it wouldn't fit in my pencilcase.

You can tell that I made up the Amazon thingy, because it isn't true.

Ok, the sky is black and mine eyes are weary.

So, toodles!

Hope you learned a great deal of ruler related things this evening, for me.

Perhaps morning, or afternoon, or night for you.



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