
Showing posts from September, 2018

The Vibrant Chronicles: Looking for Indigo

Eaten. The word hung in the room like an unwanted heat, stifling, oppressing. "Eaten?' she echoed, looking into his eyes, and seeing her own. It was peculiar, looking at someone who looked so much like her and yet so different. "Not literally," he looked at her a bit strangely after that, "But their souls get sucked up, and used as magic, Order magic." "That's just as bad!" "But they're still alive, they can speak and want and think, they just don't have anymore colour, that's all." "No colour?" "Figuratively. Literally they still have blue eyes or green eyes or whatever, and all sorts of hair. They just lack..." he gesticulated into the air, "Something." "How informative." "It cannot be described with words. For example, if you have never seen turquoise before, how could you possibly understand it? If you have never seen colours, how could you explain it? You will have