The Vibrant Chronicles: Looking for Indigo

Eaten. The word hung in the room like an unwanted heat, stifling, oppressing.
"Eaten?' she echoed, looking into his eyes, and seeing her own. It was peculiar, looking at someone who looked so much like her and yet so different.
"Not literally," he looked at her a bit strangely after that, "But their souls get sucked up, and used as magic, Order magic."
"That's just as bad!"
"But they're still alive, they can speak and want and think, they just don't have anymore colour, that's all."
"No colour?"
"Figuratively. Literally they still have blue eyes or green eyes or whatever, and all sorts of hair. They just lack..." he gesticulated into the air, "Something."
"How informative."
"It cannot be described with words. For example, if you have never seen turquoise before, how could you possibly understand it? If you have never seen colours, how could you explain it? You will have to see one of them. One of the colourless, the eaten."
"So what are you going to do?"
"I am looking for Indigo."
"There are seven great weapons, each carved for a colour of the rainbow and named after their respective colours. It is said that the only way for Order and Creativity to be at piece is to use them all to cut a rainbow in half. Let me tell you another story."

Legend has it there was once an Order and a Creativity, not the Order who was a mere mortal and cut down the tree, but a being a long long time before that. Order of course became the Order and Creativity became the tree, but an age ago, when the world was only sky and earth, there were two beings. Order was all straight lines and all black and white and Creativity was an odd sort of creature, with every colour and every feeling. Order, when he decided to appear human, was like a gentleman in a suit, with hair slicked back and stern grey eyes, Creativity was a lady in a long, lengthy dress, with colours of the rainbow as her hair and eyes that were oddly clear. It is said that many moons after, there was a time where Creativity ruled, and she slowly turned into Chaos, and the world was burnt in flames, and then nurtured back by Order, and then they were at peace again. Order and Creativity understood their place, and they knew they had to live in peace for there to be peace, like many things. Humans, however, twisted them to be more, taking them apart and reassembling them in strange, incorrect fashions. Humans were odd.

At this time, long before anything had happened, Order and Creativity fashioned weapons. Order created three, with forgotten names, and hid them under the Sea. Creativity made seven weapons and made sure the world remembered their names, constantly displaying rainbows across the sky as a reminder. These weapons were to be used if one force became too much stronger than the other and Order and Creativity could no longer help, for all beings must eventually go home, and Order and Creativity came from another dimension, one that cannot be perceived as human or described. I would attempt at explanation, but it is rendered impossible as, were I to see it, I would not understand it without transforming into another creature, and to do that would be very difficult indeed.

"I'm looking for indigo. Red, yellow and blue are already with the institute, green was passed along in the family, orange is on the verge of being found and violet was bought from a black market. The only one left is indigo."
"Where do you think it is?"
"Well, some sources say it was lost amongst the peak of the coldest mountain in the world."
"And what mountain is that?"
"One not documented by most humans," his eyes suddenly burnt intensely, "We call it Hiem's peak."


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