What can you do in a Sleepover?

What can you do in a sleepover?

Ever wonder what to do in your sleepover?
This post is exactly what you need!

Well, i just had a sleepover with one of my best friend at my old school, and it was slightly more boring than i expected before. 
We were performing in this ballet concert and we had a party after. By the time we reached home, it was already like... 11:00, and we still had to shower. After that, we were so tired that we fell asleep at 12:15. The next morning we woke up at around 9:15 and we went down to eat breakfast which was really good and then... this is the part where it starts to get boring...


Her mom actually decided to bring us to a trampoline park called EneZ and it was okay to not so good ... because we had to follow a coach, along with about... 100 people? I mean, that's too much for me! Lucky my friend's mom invited my friend's cousin to play with us, and the good thing is, I knew her already. So then we just jumped around with the other 100 people, go through creepy (not really) obstacles. AND THEN we went home, AND we started to get bored. Since i didn't have a phone yet, we played my friends phone.

Here is a list of a few things you can downloaded/play on gadgets:

  •  Truth or Dare

There are loads of versions in Truth or Dare and the one we played suits any age. They separate all ages into 3 groups: Kids, Teens and Adults. For kids, i recommend age 13 and below. Teens, 14 - 19?, I haven't played the teens much so i am not sure, same  thing for adults, basically, you'll need to be an adult, that's all i am gonna say, LOL .You can definitely find this app in the play store (Samsung) , but i am not so sure about app store (I Phone) so you can try to search for it. It would look something like the picture on the right.

  • Ultimate Tag
This AWESOMELY AWESOME game is 100% recommended for any age, depending on your personality. I play this all the time with some of my ballet friends before and after class. This game is a 4-player game that is SUPER-FUN. Basically it is a game of tag but obviously is sort of dangerous to play in the house/ apartment, so we play on a gadget! Sadly, it is only available on the app store. If you are interested, you can look for something like the picture on the right.

  • Charades
This game is really fun and enjoyable. It's really, really simple too! During the player's turn, they  put the device on their forehead, then the other player's have to act out the word popping out on the screen. The aim is to get as many points as possible. To skip the question, flip the device downwards (45 degrees). If you get the correct answer, flip the device upwards (45 degrees). It is available on both app store and play store. Have fun!

Here is a list of things you can play in real life:

  • I call it Marco Polo
This game is fun (make sure not to hurt yourself ), and enjoyable. The only thing you'll need is a blindfold and make some space in the room (this is optional). All you have to do is pick a person to start with, and make him/her put on a blindfold. That person will have to try to look a person and guess who it is (so obviously you will need more than 2 players). For the person blindfolded, you can say the word "Marco" and the other players will have to reply back "Polo". You can also say freeze and they will have to stay in place, but, the other players can unfreeze after 10 seconds. Oh, and also when the other players are frozen, they are allowed to move but ONLY ON THE SPOT. That's basically it. And when you start the game, spin the person blindfolded 10 rounds then start the game. I might have missed out something so if you have any questions, please comment below and i'll try to answer it as soon as possible.

  • Pillow tag
This game is a mixture of pillow fight and tag (obviously you'll know this because of the name this game). The simplest way i can explain it is that you have to use your pillow to tag someone and it can't be the pillow, so the pillow is your weapon and shield. You may form into teams to protect each other. This game is super-simple so you can try it if you want, and also you can add in some extra rules to the game if you want it more challenging. Maybe you might want to change it so that you tie the pillow to your back and attack like that. That might be something you might think of, you also might add ANOTHER rule to that, is that you are not allowed to curl up in a ball or else i wouldn't be fair to the  tagger.

  • Pin the ____ on the ____
This game, is basically the game "Pin the Tail on the Donkey", but no tail, no donkey. Instead, you can pin anything on anything! E.g. Pin the Pie on the Face, Pin the Cherry on the Muffin, etc... There are sooooo many ways to play this game, BE CREATIVE!! 2 steps to play this game: Step 1 - Blindfold yourself. Step 2 - Pin it! And... You are FINISHED! Who gets the closest pin to the target, wins! Good Luck!

So i hope these games has given you an idea of what to do in a simple, plain sleepover. Obviously, you may change the rule of the games. Enjoy your sleepover!


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