Harry Potter: Book Report

Characters: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Voldemort, Dumbledore, Hagrid, Malfoy, Snape, James, Ginny, Sirius, Neville, McGonagall, Hedwig, Lily, Sorting Hat, Newt, Quirrell, Dudley, Fred, Molly, Grindelwald, Ollivander, Arthur, Petunia, Oliver, Percy, Seamus, Vernon, Flitwick, George, Flamel, Peeves, Filch, Lavender, Fudge, Nearly Headless Nick, Fluffy, Sprout, Hooch, Crabbe, Pomfrey, Charlie, Helena, Marge, Griphook, Zabini, Goyle, Lee, Firenze, Angelina.

Is that enough??????

That is the book..


Philosopher's Stone:

Harry finds the philosopher's stone.

That is pretty much it.


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