
Showing posts from July, 2018


AFTER  reading my last graphics post, I realised it was a tad bit short so I'll give you another one. :) If you'd like to see the other digital graphics post,  click here. I'll do this differently here; this time, I will list points and give examples after, instead of pairing the pictures and points. AND ALSO, AS I HAVE SAID, I AM NO PROFESSIONAL, I JUST LIKE GRAPHICS. DON'T ATTACK ME PLS. P O I N T S   T O   M A K E 1. Make text bold; you need to make sure you can see what your graphic is saying. 2. Keep it simple; by simple, I don't necessarily mean plain, I just mean that if you add too many bold patterns and colours and images, it will look too busy. 3. If it's something that you need to be noticed, like an ad or poster, try and use fonts that are trendy, because they would most likely be the most appealing. Here's a link to  some trendy fonts. 4. Fancy and/or kind-of-hard-to-read fonts should be left to titles only, because if y

How to wind up a grandfather clock...

The title explains it all.  Merely wind up a clock, that is all there is to it. Primero you pull up the weights using the chain Despues you move the hands until they are level with the current time Por ultimo you move the pendulum in one direction so that the mechanism begins to function Ta da!

Eliya's Re-introduction To This Blog.

LET'S  just say it's been a while. A long while. There has been so much on my mind, and I forgot that I could just lay it all down here. I missed this blog, and I miss the people in it. Okay, over with the cheesy sad stuff. You may be wondering if I'm dead, or if I'm okay. No? No one? Oh well. I am okay, and I'm not dead. I still love cats and the occasional useless graphic designing. All is well, and I am physically fine. Mentally, you could say otherwise. But that's a different story, and I don't need to worry you with all that. Anywho, what have I been doing? Where have I been? Firstly, I'm no longer in the same school as the rest of the bloggers in #AWESOME. I'm in a homeschool center now. It's basically like a tuition center, but I go there for about seven hours. I'm sure all my friends know that, but some keep asking. I can't promise I will post often, because I'm not so sure what to post. You will see more graph