Ghosts and other peculiar happenings

There is always a point of time in a blog where no one has posted in AGGEEEESSSS, and, as my solemn duty as a guest blogger, I feel I must post something so that this non-blogging period will come to an end.

It was on June 27th that I first witnessed Sir Arthur Smith. I remember he was nothing short of regal. He had on medieval knight armour and had a fine trimmed beard. He was also very tall, but not so tall that he seemed foolish or towering. Oh, and he was also very much a ghost.

I discovered him in my attic, when I was looking for an old antique lamp my mother had stashed away somewhere; she now said it was valuable and a tiffany lamp. That was when I saw Sir Arthur Smith, his beautiful  sword poised over his head and his eyes stormy. Our conversation went a little like this:

"I am going to kill you!" he screamed.
"I beg your pardon?"
"I am going to kill you!"
"Well how are you going to do that if you're translucent and well...non-substantial?"
"Don't be ridiculous."
"You're a ghost."
"I will not here any more of this mockery!" and then he plunged his sword down, only for it to go through me as it was not material.
"What sorcery is this?"
"Well you're a ghost, and I'm a human."
"You mean to say I'm dead?"

"That is what I mean, yes."
"So you finally killed me. Imagine me, the great Sir Arthur Smith, felled by the Duke of Ryshire. Humiliating!"
"I'm sorry, what? I'm no duke."
"What? Step into the light. Why, you're a little girl!"
"Not so little, eleven next month."
"Where am I?"
"You're on 84, Greenford Road."
"And you are?"
"You hardly look anything like a Sophie."
"And why is that?"
"Sophies are more elegant, you have eyes like a stormy sea."
"And you haven't any manners."
"I'm sorry, it's just that the Sophie I knew was extremely elegant. I don't remember how I died. Greenford Road? What's that? I just remember battling the Duke of Ryshire in a battle and there was a lamp and then I was here."
"You mean you were trapped in the Tiffany lamp? They aren't so old as knights."
"I suppose I was."


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