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To those of you who were tricked by Jessica Gan's recent post...

Well, if I come to think about it, the post wasn't that recent.

The "Acronyames" post.  I am really put off.

However, I know I am wasting your time by saying this, but I bestow apologies upon my readers for my lack of posting.  I have an extreme case of "Posting-o-itis" which is a case that I possess.

I am in deep trouble.  I am already on stage 1987....

And that's the penultimate stage...

I feel nausea, there are dark spots clouding my vision, and I feel the end is near.

And that Jessica Gan, she tricked all you readers into thinking it was easy to come up with those lies about me.

I will reveal the truth!!!!!


Ultimately, (and firstly), I am a human.  Sometimes, I think I am a chicken.

Or even an otter.

Ok, Jessica Gan says it was easy to come up with an acronyame for me, talking about false rumours that make me innovative, excellent and amazing (nice and natty too, I had to check those, I didn't remember, which gave her an extra view, humph!).  Which is why I had to, notice the "had", break into her stream of posts and edit it.

At least she didn't delete it.

Click Here 

Oops, I didn't tell you, that is a link to see how awesomely I edited Jessica Gan's post.

Now I feel like saying OMG, even though I am not that type of person.  Why?

Because "awesomely" didn't get underlined in red by the computer, meaning it's an actual word.  I have to celebrate.

But how?

Ok, people who know me, you are invited to a party, at somewhere, that I don't know, not to celebrate my birthday, which I know is near, but to celebrate the awesomeness of me discovering that "awesomely" is a word.


Meet me there at 4 o'clock on Tuesday, which is tomorrow, I believe.

If you noticed I wrote that Jessica is only "Jubilant" most of the time, then 1 golden star for you.  She is jubilant (most of the time).  Once she only slept 30 minutes, and she was more jubilant than me. (And I slept 8 hours), however, she relied on caffeine to boost her spirits.

So, in credit to myself, and herself, and everyone else who is reading this, this doesn't make sense.

I will ending it by asking: Jessica, why did you choose me to make an easy acronyame and not someone more amazing?

Jessica's humbleness is cool.  She is superb.  Thank you!

On a last note, I noticed that awesomely is actually not a word, even though it isn't underlined in red, like acronyame, someone moved the definition from the dictionary.

Toodle pip!


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