Save Our Sharks!

   The Sinking Shark Population

1...2...3... A shark dies every three seconds. 

Think about it.

Do you want to save our Earth's precious sharks, or send them into the depths of extinction?

Even though sharks are responsible for less than 10 deaths annually compared to the gentler deer or mosquitos, why are we so indifferent to the cruelty extended to sharks? We do not see the millions of sharks, finless, lying on the ocean floor, unable to breathe, just waiting for their slow deaths to come simply because we are prejudiced about them.

Are you one of them?

You are not completely blameworthy since sharks have been victims of myths and misrepresentations down the centuries. Their vicious appearance may be to blame. However, let’s not forget the 1970s book by Peter Benchley entitled “JAWS”, which was later made into an action thriller by Steven Spielberg, that shook people to their bones. Sharks were portrayed as mean killing machines, blood thirsty and senseless. The effect was extreme hatred by the general population.

Image result for shark finning

When I first heard that the shark population was declining, and that many of the larger shark species would disappear in less than 30 years, I was appalled. I embarked on an extensive two-week research to uncover the truth and here are some of my shocking findings:

  •       Three sharks are killed every second.
  •        A hundred million sharks are killed each year.
  •        As an apex predator, they keep the entire ocean and marine life healthy.
  •       Sharks take any time between seven to twelve years before they are ready to have shark pups.

We cannot ignore the issue, simply because sharks live in the ocean and think we are unrelated. On the contrary, every seafood that we enjoy can go extinct along with sharks if nothing is done. We may have to kiss our succulent prawns and fresh oysters goodbye.                   

Despite all this, people continue to enjoy shark’s fin soup and this becomes a major hindrance to putting an end to this global crisis. We all know that the killing will only stop when the buying does. When I traced the statistics on this, it turns out that China and Hong Kong are the largest consumers of shark’s fin. However, Europe is the world’s largest trader with Spain, France, Norway, Britain and Italy at the helm.

One shocking thing is that sharks are not only eaten in soup, but are hunted for sport. There are annual shark fishing competitions where competitors go shark fishing and take parts of the shark as a prize, mainly the jaw. After these competitions, where do you think the sharks go? They are simply thrown away or, only if they are "lucky", they are displayed in their killer's house as a prize which they are proud of. 

It is heart breaking to know that the shark population is sinking by the second and no one really knows where or when the point of no return is. Hammerheads, the Great Whites, the Whale Sharks, the Silky and Basking Sharks lead the list.

We cannot turn our backs on this issue any longer. We must actively participate and play a role in preserving and reviving the number. You can start in a small way by sharing this information or reposting a campaign material on social media for a start. If you feel strongly about this matter and would like to truly make a difference, the best way is to stop eating shark’s fin soup and to educate others about how critical this is. Alternatively, you can also donate to a number of organisations battling to save sharks. If your country is a member of the shark trade, why not start a petition to urge your government to pull the plug on this.

Please join me in caring for the sharks and for the oceans. 

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