Step-by-Step Beginner's Instructions on how to Fix a Rubik's Cube!

Many people have been struggling on how to fix a rubik's cube, and i am here to fix all of your problems! You barely need anything for this, just a plain rubik's cube and PATIENCE (VERY IMPORTANT)

The picture below are the keys to understand the steps (Please refer to this if you forget):

Lets begin!

Step 1: Solve the white cross

- Start with the white middle block facing upwards
- Try to place the edge pieces into a cross-shape
- As a result, you should have something like the picture on the left


- If you see a white spot on the bottom face of the cube, all you have to do is:
 (R, R)
- If you see something like the picture on the right, you'll have to do:
  (Ri, U, Fi, Ui)

That's it! You have completed the first step of you Rubik's cube!

Step 2: Solving the Corners

- Start with the white-cross facing upwards
- Look for the corner pieces
  (It has white with another two different colours)
  it should appear at the bottom face of the cube, if it is, do             Algorithm A
- If the corner piece is a the top face, do Algorithm B
- As a result, you should have something like the image on the left


A- If you have something like the picture on the upper right, do this:
     (Ri, Di, R, D)
B- If you have something like the picture on the bottom right, do this:
     (Ri, Di, R)
     Then repeat Algorithm A

Step 2 Completed!

Step 3: Solve the Middle Layer

- Flip your rubik's cube so that the white face is at the bottom
- Check the colour of the edges and think of where to place it
  (To the Left or Right)
- It should appear at the top face of the rubik's cube but if it isn't,
 just do one of the sequence below depending on which side it is at

- By now you should know where one of the blocks should go, left or right. If it's on the left, do Algorithm L. If it's right, do Algorithm R
- As a result, you should have something like the picture on the top-left corner


L- If you need to move the top block to the left side, do:
    (Ui, Li, U, L, U, F, Ui, Fi)
R- If you need to move the top block to the right side, do:
    (U, L, Ui, Li, Ui, Fi, U, F)

BOOM! You're done with Step 3!

Step 4: Solve the top layer (Yellow Cross)

- Start with the yellow face on the top layer and the white on the
- If you already have a yellow cross on the top layer,
 proceed to the next step (focus on the yellow edges
- If you have only the yellow middle, do

Algorithm 1
-If you have a "L" shaped thingy, do Algorithm 2
- If you have a line across, do Algorithm 3

Yellow middle
Line Across


 1- For only the yellow middle----(F, U, R,  Ui, Ri, Fi)
 2- For the "L" shaped thingy----- (F, U, R, Ui, Ri, Fi)
3- For a line across-----------------(F, R. U, Ri, Ui, Fi)

YAY! Almost there!

Step 5: Positioning the Yellow Corners (HARDEST PART)
Note: I broke this step down to 2 steps

Refer to this for letter
Hold your rubik's cube with the yellow cross facing upwards. Twist the top face until at least two corners are correctly positioned. If all four corners are in the correct position, move on to Step 6.

Place correct corners at either A,B or Diagonally.
If positioned correctly, please do: (Ri, F, Ri, B, B, R, Fi, Ri, B, B, R, R, Ui)
If the corners are positioned diagonally, do it twice.
When you're done, you should have something like the picture on the upper left

YES! YOU HAVE DONE THE FIRST HALF... of the hardest part...

Step 6: Positioning the Yellow Edges correctly (HARDEST PART)

If 1 edge is correct and 3 edges are incorrect, orient the cube so that the correct edge is in the right place. If all 4 is incorrect, do the either sequence below depending on whether it needs to go clock-wise or counter-clock wise.
Before doing the sequence below, check if the edges needs to go clock-wise or counter-clock wise.

Clock wise- (F, F, U, L, Ri, F, F, Li, R, U, F, F)
Counter-Clock wise- (F, F, Ui, L, Ri, F, F, Li, R, Ui, F, F)

Thank You for reading this blog! REMEMBER: Patience will help a lot.
To memorise, just keep repeating the steps over and over again until you get used to it!

Good Luck!
NOTE: If you have any questions, please comment below and we'll reply ASAP ;)


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