
Showing posts from January, 2018

Posh Restaurant VS Not-so-posh Restaurant (In others words, cheap restaurant)

I have been to both posh and not so posh restaurants.  Both are good, in their own ways. Let's explore the good and bad about both. (Oh, and just for clarification, none of this actually ever happened for real, it is all made up...) Scenario 1 Me: Let's go to the really posh restaurant over there. Mum: No lah, we are wearing sweaty clothes and everyone else is wearing posh clothes. Me: No, not really. (We just happen to be wearing sweaty clothes that we just ran in) Me: But posh food is so good. (Actually, it's ok, but meh!) Mum: No can do, it's really pricey. Me: Fine then. Mum: Let's go to fast-food restaurant, we can takeaway! (I guess there is no arguing to that...) Scenario 2 Dad: Ok, guys, let's dress up in formal kit, we are going to a restaurant. Me: Where are we going? Mum: Oh, just to this mamak place down the road. Me: Why are we wearing formal attire?  It is seven o'clock in the evening and no-one wears a suit

There is this creepy chicken that is staring at me.

Because I haven't posted for 1 billion years (Quotation from Elliethatnerd), I will type about this creepy stuffed chicken that is staring at me. It's beady little eyes have life, but it is not moving. Wait, actually it is moving. It has no legs, so it is gliding toward me... This is getting scary, I can feel the menace in the air. I think I am going to... HEEEEEELLLLL- Feel free to comment about me. I am Cheesy_Owl's voice mail. To ask a question, press 1. To make a comment, press 2. If you are alive, then congratulations. I am being attacked, and I am voicemail! Hello, I am backup voicemail. To ask a question, press 1. To make a comment, press 2. The chicken has taken over the world. The End I am aware this doesn't make sense, but meh!

10 words for 10 words

Cheesy_Owl_82017_Pi (Who cares about symbols?) & A Peculiar Sort Of Author Once upon a time, lived a potato that became a something that carried a pink tissue box on it's unihorn.  But this story is not about a potato, but a slice of smelly Gouda that is full of brown holes.  And then the world exploded. or at least earth. So it was the supernova of the sun.  Turns out, aliens continued the stories of humans. So an alien called Zorgy, who lived on planet Zorg, and had a brother named Zorgeee, you see, aliens were very creative and mushroomy. However, their pet badgers had no creativity, they were called tchairovsky and Mchiedleburg, old bagder-zorgese for wise and potato soup.  Zorg was a squelchy planet where you waded through pleebles, which is basically turquoise mud. Gummy bears jumped through  clouds and descended from Planet Zibl, which hosted the Zorgishnians cousins. Which were called Ziblshinians, because these aliens were creative. They are almost like the humans t

Annie & Jess - 5 words 5 words

Annie and Jess ... We each write 5 words 5 words and make a story... LET'S GO!!! No deleting, and no swear words! Once upon a chicken, there was some bread that was mouldy. One day, an idiot whose name was Annie Jakes-McKay, who was actually very smart, clumsily fell into a creek. She also happened to eat the bread that we mentioned at the same time - yay! It gurgled in her stomach, soaking up all its acid and suddenly, the digestive juices combusted and Annie was scarred. F ortunately, Jessica got the scar but Annie got it too.  Miraculously, Annie's scar disappeared forever but she was forever burning.   A rock where Jessica lived fell down and squashed her but she was so smart that she dived away and met Annie for some curry which was super duper tasty.  Transportation to Cambridge was activated, where Annie found a large split pea that was incredibly long. It got roasted so she ate the pea and stopped burning but set fire to the nearby village, killing all the innoce

The Riff Off (version 2.0)

Are you ever super super  super bored and have absolutely nothing to do? Well, that won't be the case any longer as there is a game I LOVE to play called "the riff off". How: One person starts singing a song. They stop on a word. Someone in the group around them hits the (water bottle) in the middle of the table. They take over from that word. SO ON... Example: 1 - (RISE UP) You're broken down and tired, of living life on a merry go round... 2 - (STAY) Round and around and around and around we go... 3 - (LET IT GO) Go, let it go! Can't hold it back anymore... 4 - (JAR OF HEARTS) Anymore, you lost the love I loved the most. I learned to live... 5 - (WRITINGS ON THE WALL) Live, how do I breathe, when you're not here I'm suffocating, I wanna feel love, run through my blood... 6 - (BAD BLOOD) Blood now, oh, it's so sad... 7 - (YOUR SONG) Sad songs anymore, only wanna hear love songs... AND IT CAN GO ON FOREVER...

Kitten The Bug - Exploration - Ep11

Dear Diary,  I have no where to live. I have no frens.  I have nothing. Now I have to survive in the Plugworld all on my own. Today I walked to Ms Ellionock's house. At least I think that it is her name. I forgottened it. She lives in a very pretty house and I went to her to get help to make a new house. But, when I reached her house, no one was there! OH NO! Now I have to live in the jungle! But there is no jungle also! OH NO! In the distance, I found a tree. It is tall and I can probably make a house in the tree if I can do it. I collect wood and things and soon I make a house on the tree out of another tree so it is weird.  YAY!  My house is finished! Now I can stay in the house which is made of tree on another tree. I am so proud that I am going to name my treehouse. I am going to call it either: Tree on another tree (TOAT) My tree house called tree (MTHCT) This tree is amazing and it is my home (TTIAAIIMH) A chicken died in the process of ma