10 words for 10 words

Cheesy_Owl_82017_Pi (Who cares about symbols?) & A Peculiar Sort Of Author

Once upon a time, lived a potato that became a something that carried a pink tissue box on it's unihorn.  But this story is not about a potato, but a slice of smelly Gouda that is full of brown holes.  And then the world exploded. or at least earth. So it was the supernova of the sun.  Turns out, aliens continued the stories of humans. So an alien called Zorgy, who lived on planet Zorg, and had a brother named Zorgeee, you see, aliens were very creative and mushroomy. However, their pet badgers had no creativity, they were called tchairovsky and Mchiedleburg, old bagder-zorgese for wise and potato soup.  Zorg was a squelchy planet where you waded through pleebles, which is basically turquoise mud. Gummy bears jumped through clouds and descended from Planet Zibl, which hosted the Zorgishnians cousins. Which were called Ziblshinians, because these aliens were creative. They are almost like the humans that died, however, they do not have any food but Gouda, which was interesting.  But then, Gaia reappeared and married the Uranus, and humans ate lots of cheese because they were hungry. They were re-extincted*, and combined their race with the Zorghishnians, which made them special. And they were all kind of happy-sad.  And a new species called Zorgishumans came to be, THE END which is possibly an ending to this story-maybe?

*What is re-extincted?  It is how I say came back from the dead because the Earth reappeared in the form of a Greek myth.


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