Kitten The Bug - Exploration - Ep11

Dear Diary, 
I have no where to live.
I have no frens. 
I have nothing.

Now I have to survive in the Plugworld all on my own.

Today I walked to Ms Ellionock's house. At least I think that it is her name. I forgottened it.

She lives in a very pretty house and I went to her to get help to make a new house.

But, when I reached her house, no one was there!


Now I have to live in the jungle!

But there is no jungle also!


In the distance, I found a tree.

It is tall and I can probably make a house in the tree if I can do it.

I collect wood and things and soon I make a house on the tree out of another tree so it is weird. 


My house is finished! Now I can stay in the house which is made of tree on another tree. I am so proud that I am going to name my treehouse.

I am going to call it either:
Tree on another tree (TOAT)
My tree house called tree (MTHCT)
This tree is amazing and it is my home (TTIAAIIMH)
A chicken died in the process of making this tree (ACDITPOMTT)

Someone please comment which one I should name it.



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