Annie & Jess - 5 words 5 words

Annie and Jess ...
We each write 5 words 5 words and make a story...
LET'S GO!!! No deleting, and no swear words!

Once upon a chicken, there was some bread that was mouldy. One day, an idiot whose name was Annie Jakes-McKay, who was actually very smart, clumsily fell into a creek. She also happened to eat the bread that we mentioned at the same time - yay! It gurgled in her stomach, soaking up all its acid and suddenly, the digestive juices combusted and Annie was scarred. Fortunately, Jessica got the scar but Annie got it too.  Miraculously, Annie's scar disappeared forever but she was forever burning.  A rock where Jessica lived fell down and squashed her but she was so smart that she dived away and met Annie for some curry which was super duper tasty.  Transportation to Cambridge was activated, where Annie found a large split pea that was incredibly long. It got roasted so she ate the pea and stopped burning but set fire to the nearby village, killing all the innocent chickens that were purple and sprouted flippers. However, the chicken's souls cured Jessica's problems; they were therapists. Her scar disappeared and they were pus-filled and most putrid. Also, the chickens turned out to be unearthly spirits that condemned both girls death sentences. Luckily, the gods heard their cries and they were saved. They lived on an island happily ever before the after.



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