Posh Restaurant VS Not-so-posh Restaurant (In others words, cheap restaurant)

I have been to both posh and not so posh restaurants.  Both are good, in their own ways.

Let's explore the good and bad about both.

(Oh, and just for clarification, none of this actually ever happened for real, it is all made up...)

Scenario 1

Me: Let's go to the really posh restaurant over there.

Mum: No lah, we are wearing sweaty clothes and everyone else is wearing posh clothes.

Me: No, not really.

(We just happen to be wearing sweaty clothes that we just ran in)

Me: But posh food is so good.

(Actually, it's ok, but meh!)

Mum: No can do, it's really pricey.

Me: Fine then.

Mum: Let's go to fast-food restaurant, we can takeaway!

(I guess there is no arguing to that...)

Scenario 2

Dad: Ok, guys, let's dress up in formal kit, we are going to a restaurant.

Me: Where are we going?

Mum: Oh, just to this mamak place down the road.

Me: Why are we wearing formal attire?  It is seven o'clock in the evening and no-one wears a suit to a dirty restaurant.  Besides, Mum, you could break a nail...

Mum: Who cares!  Let's go!

*We arrive at mamak restaurant*

Mum: Why is everyone wearing shorts and t-shirt?

Me: Did you not hear me?  This is mamak, and people do not wear cocktails dresses to a not-so-posh restaurant

*And now, it is really awkward because everyone is looking at us while we are dressed in posh clothes*

I am way too lazy to add more scenarios because I am way too lazy.

All in all, I don't really care which restaurant I go to.  

Whichever you prefer you can go to...

Hehe, this was supposed to have opinions but Meh!




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