This is a number.

This number is big.

But this writing is small.

The number is:

One billion, twenty nine million, three hundred and eighty four thousand, seven hundred and fifty six.

That is a big number.

But this is some small writing.

There is a way to type this number easily.

Use your keyboard and try to find the pattern.

You type 1, then the number on the other side of your number keyboard then go back and there is the pattern.

I hope you can read this.

Because the number is big.

But the writing is small.

I don't know why I chose to write this small.

Even though the number is big.

Well, my writing is small.

But not that small.

It could be legible.

Why do we say legible instead of readable?

I don't know.

It's like you say edible instead of eatable.

Well those are just problems.

Like this tiny writing.

And this big number.

That is the end.

The end.


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