Brilliant Passwords

First of all, notice that this says passwords, not pins or anything else.

Brilliant Password No. 1:


I know.  You are blown away, such a brilliant and fabulous password, I mean, 11 letters, that's an achievement (On MacBook at least).


e n t e r

r e t u r n

Wow!!!! That is genius.  It was Tif_Awesomeness that gave me that idea.  Another thing I thought was ingenious was sweeping up "LEGO Bricks" with a dustpan and brush....

So clever.

Brilliant Password No. 2:

"(caps lock)(A)(S)(D)(F)(G)(H)(J)(K)(L)(;)(')"

Hint: The fast way to do this is to drag your finger in a long line across the keyboard.  Wow!!!!!!!

This is cool because it is speedy, and efficient.....

Brilliant Password No. 3:

"(randomly chosen number)(something that you are not known for, so less people expect it)(another randomly chosen number)"

Randomly chosenness is a good quality to look for in passwords, because then it is harder to guess.  For instance, do NOT make a password something easy like your birthday, or 1234 because that is obvious.

Future tips for passwords:

Don't share your passwords online, or anywhere with anyone, unless that person is someone you trust.


I am too lazy to write any more.

Jessica Gan thinks she is lazy, but she is not...

She copied my post about laziness.  Talk about it.

And she is anything but.

Check my laziness post.  It proves how lazy I am.

But everyone else is copying my lazy ideas..



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