Crusty Bread

It is kind of offensive to call bread crusty.

Crusty: having or acting as a hard outer layer or covering

Crusty: easily irritated (especially of an old person)

You could talk about the cool holes in bread, the fluffiness of the texture the crunchy crisp well baked shell of the bread.

Or, on the other hand, complaining is necessary:

The bread is irritable and snapped at me.

Bread is crusty.

It got annoyed at me when I ate it.  But then I couldn't hear it.

So it rumbled in my stomach and corroded my small intestine and my large intestine and my liver.  And with my largest internal organ destroyed (corroded)

I died.

The bread took over the world.

A lot like the chicken did.

Read about the chicken.

Click Here To Read About The Creepy Chicken

And the bread took over the world.

The first thing it did was destroy all the houses in Moldova to build a palace.

But it was not satisfied with the palace so it destroyed all the houses in Luxemburg.

And then it invited it's bready friends over for a playdate.  And played with cheese/  (I've kind of gone off cheese.  Feta is too salty.) 

The End.

Coming Soon: Salty Soup


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