20 Fun and Easy Pranks to do at a Sleepover

Ever preparing to go for a sleepover?

Have you ever found yourself slightly annoyed when you are pranked?

Now, it is YOUR turn to prank your friends - here are a 20 fun and easy pranks to do at a sleepover:

  1. Wake up early in the morning and put wet tissue on your friend's faces.
  2. Tie 2 of your friends' hair together so they wake up stuck
  3. Put whipped cream on their face, ear and hands.
  4. Pretend to be mad at someone and shun them and then prank them.
  5. Wake up early and put on alarm clock beside someone’s ear so everyone wakes up and gets annoyed.
  6. Take a feather and whipped cream for this prank. If a friend is sleeping over or just "sleeping walk" quietly over with the feather and the whipped cream and put the whipped cream gently on either of their hands or just both. Then gently tickle the friend or relative's nose with a feather back and forth (but make them wake up!!). Eventually they will use their hand to scratch or touch their nose! So the whipped cream will be all over their face.
  7. Throw everybody's blankets on to one person and make them very hot.
  8. Put some vaseline or icy hot on the toilet.
  9. Put all clothes including bra and underwear into a bucket of water, and then into the freezer.
  10. Start a game of Truth, Dare, Double Dare, or Promise To Repeat. Have a small tape recorder hidden with you. Then dare somebody to shout, "I LOVE [their crush or someone really nerdy] AND I WANNA [fill in the blank] THEM!!!!!!"
  11. Play creepy music in the middle of the night.
  12. Hide everyone’s phone and clothes. (like maybe in the freezer)
  13. Put clear wrap under the toilet seat, nice and tight without wrinkles. So anything going in comes flying back out.
  14. Put tape on somebody’s mouth, preferably duck tape so they will have to painfully tear it out in the morning.
  15. Get on someone with no password on their mac or phone and change all their backgrounds and text some people some strange things.
  16. When someone opens their mac, after they close it quickly open it so you have access, go to settings, set 8 hours, while they are asleep, send weird stuff to people.
  17. Get someone's mac or phone and set a password so they can’t open their mac or phone in the morning.
  18. Put double-sided tape on the back (or seat) of the toilet and watch what happens.
  19. Find everyone’s stuff and mix them up in each other’s bags.
  20. Put makeup on someone while they are sleeping and let them wake up looking hideous.


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