23 Things Only People Who Were Raised By Really Strict Parents Understand

Do you have strict parents?

  Do you understand what it is like to be directed nearly every minute of your life?

  Here are 23 things only people with strict parents understand...

1. You were always the 1st person who had to leave when everyone was hanging out.
2. Asking permission for a sleepover at your friend’s house took 48 hours of mental preparation, a detailed letter, and an extra study contract signed in bloody tears...
3. Whenever your friends would make plans for later that night, you knew your parents would say no so you say no anyway and actually don't even bother asking your parents for permission.
4. You would practice asking your parents for permission to do something in the mirror and preemptively come up with answers to questions you knew they’d ask.
5. You also always had to wait until they were in a good mood before asking for anything!
6. You sometimes whipped out the wounded puppy look and would sigh and say “never mind… you’re going to say no anyway” to garner sympathy from your parents before asking for a really big favour.
7. You would ask your parents once, and only once, if you could hang out at someone’s house. You never understood why your friends would think that “asking them again” would make any difference.
8. You always have to tell your friends that you can't make it to their house of parties any day of the week due to tuition.

9. You understand THE PURE PANIC that channels through your veins when your idiot friends change the plans10 times and you have to keep reexplaining to your parents what you’re doing.
10. You lied constantly. About everything. You still do.
11. You never cursed at home in front of your parents.
12. You have too many pep talks about getting smarter and how to, along with over 200 emails on boring articles and events.
13. Family dinner conversations revolved around your academics and class schedule—never about your social life. As far as your parents were concerned, you didn’t have one either.
14. You must wear clothes your parents find appropriate.
15. No piercings, tattoos or anything along those lines are allowed so you look out of place amongst some of your friends.
16. You probably shared the same first name as at least 1 other people in your classes growing up.
(yup, my name is too common...)
17. You could never watch any television other than BBC news or teaching channels.
18. Your parents always tried to sign up to chaperone school functions and field trips.
19. Manners were everything. You got the “I don’t want people to think you were raised by wolves” speech almost as often as the “is your napkin not on your lap at the dinner table? Do you do this at other people’s houses? I can’t let you out in public if you don’t put your napkin on your lap” lecture.
20. You’ve spent years dreaming of rebellion in the form of making spontaneous plans or locking yourself up in a room for a long time (with all you need at your hands).
21. Your impulse reaction to hearing your friends say they had sleepovers with their significant others is open-mouthed shock.
22. You’re careful telling jokes to your parents because their response toes the line between laughing along to immediately going off on a 45 minute rant and probably giving you extra work to do.
23. You are never praised, even if you get 100%, your parents expect better from you...

So, if any of these apply to you, comment
#(Whatever (1-23))!


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