
Do You Enjoy School?

Do You Study For Tests?

Well, if you don't, you've come to the right (*ahem) place.

(*Says the one who totally aces her tests [Sarcasm])

Please rate your opinion of what you think of tests on this scale:

0 - Everyone hates tests.
1 - There is no point in tests.
2 - I don't like tests, but I get good scores.
3 - I like tests, but I get bad scores.
4 - I like tests and I get good scores.
5 - Tests are amazing, I study for them all the time and get really good scores!

Thanks for your help in this subject. (This tally will be used as a petition for or against tests).

Do You Enjoy School?

In what context might a dislike for school occur.

All comments below are necessary.

Please contribute your feelings and feedback below.

Thank you for all support.

Yours Sincerely,

_____ _____-_____

PS:  All submissions are valid until early July.


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