What is your Hobby? 5 Top Tips

If you're a person like me, I can't seem to pick my hobby. I like to dance ballet, sleep (does that count?), play (duh...) and... maybe that's it. If you have about five or more things that you like to do, i am sure that you can't answer this question:

"What is your hobby?" one of your friend might ask.

For example, you say "My hobby is swimming, dancing, and exercising"

He/She says "Pick only one"

And that's when the conversation stops...

A hobby can be anything

Swimming, Dancing, Playing, Reading, Watch TV, Write, Ride your bike, and maybe even doing homework!

As for me, I used to struggle answering that question. But i realised, that i have figured out the answer to that question.

You can:

Choose on an activity that you do the most
For me, my hobby is dancing ballet , because i dance every 4 times a week, which is a lot compared to others. So i decided to use that.

Choose on the one you have been doing since a young age
Doing something from a young age until this age would usually mean that you enjoy it a lot and you are good at it. For me, I have learn't ballet since i was 5 and i enjoyed it since then. If most of the things you like to do starts from the same age, try the other tips. Or if it is slightly different, pick the one that started on the youngest age.

Choose on the one that you think would be helpful for other things in life 
Some things you like may not help you in the future but i am sure some will. You can think of the future things you will need to do such as: working, getting a job, food, etc. For me, ballet can make me either a dancer, a teacher or a choreographer, those will help me earn money in the future.

Choose on the one that you can enjoy with your friends and family
You might rather doing something you love alone without anyone bothering you but you still have to have time to have fun with your family and friends. For me, IF i become a ballerina, i will have to work with other dancers which help make new friends and also i plan my time so that i still can meet my family at least 2-4 times a week.

Choose on the ones that keeps you entertained
Everyone needs entertainment. If you have a hobby that is boring, life will be boring. Because a hobby might mean that you spend half or more of your time on it than anything else. So if you have a super - boring hobby, check that off your list.

These are 5 of the top tips that i used to figure out the answer to the question i showed you before.

Now what i want you to do is decide on your hobby and ANSWER THAT QUESTION!

Good Luck!


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