7 DUMB EXCUSES to use in life

When we mess up, here are some excuses that may come in handy!

No matter how dumb they are...

They are VERY dumb but they'll work for the entertainment they are worth...

Sorry, I can't today, my mother's sister's brother's sister's daughter's fish died. And yes, it was tragic.
Image result for guilty emoji
Teacher: Where is your homework?
Student: I lost it fighting this kid who said you weren't the best teacher in this school.

You said to answer the set questions, you didn't say to write my answers down!

My parents were so proud of my work that they decided to frame it and put it up on the wall before I could bring it in.

I know how busy you are now, so I figured that the last thing you want now is to mark more homework - I decided to give you the night off!

My dad asked me how my homework was going and I said "A piece of cake!"... So he ate it.

I have a solar powered calculator and it was a bit cloudy yesterday.

P.S. If you have used this excuse : "I left my homework at home", please share this post with your friends.


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