Quote of the Month!

The quote of the month is...

The month of February's quote is about...

Wait for it...


This is because of the many friendship arguments which have happened in school this month. This quote means a lot to me.

Here it is...

Image result for friendship quotes limo

This quote needs to be true, so if you are a friend, or want to be a friend, you should follow and learn from this quote.

It basically means that when you are rich and have everything, everybody wants to befriend you just for that reason. However, when you lose that greatness, many  "fake friends" would not befriend you anymore just for that reason. This quote is an amazing example of a metaphor.

A friend who stays your friend no matter what is your best friend, the friend you want. So if you want to test this, get into some deep trouble and see if they help to get you out of it...

I find this extremely important because this is exactly the friend you want. 


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