(Untitled) - I Am Random Chapter 7 - Short Story Section

There are many languages in the world.  Some are old and not used often, like hieroglyphs, Greek and Latin.  Others are more popular, well-known, and used by the world.  Examples of such are: Mandarin Chinese, and Spanish.

Look at these four examples of languages:

Which one is the odd one out?  Why?

English          Latin          Swedish          Xhosa

Image result for british flag
Image result for latin flag

Image result for swedish flag
Image result for xhosa bantu flag

(*Anyway, it's rather awkward that I don't have a title to this post, so yeah...?)

Because this is random, How was your day?

If it was good, let yourself wash through those memories, enjoy the feeling that joyous memories bring.

If you had a bad day, think why it was bad...
What did I do wrong?  Was it sleep?

Never mind, new topic.  Did you this is the actual definition of never mind: 

So yeah...

In Latin, "I will vomit on your possessions, you insolent mushroom" is:  Ego te evomere ex insolente fungus domus tuae

Just saying.

Maybe this is a bit too random...

Link To I Am Random Chapter 1:

Link To I Am Random Chapter 2: 

Link To I Am Random Chapter 3:


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