
Showing posts from September, 2017

Pink Chocolate or Chinchilla?????????

So you people are normally used to white chocolate, and milk chocolate, and dark chocolate.  Well...  I have something new to introduce to your chocolate diet.  Pink chocolate, yay!!!!!!!!!!!  It is actually completely natural, Click Here On the other hand, the cutest Chinchilla, Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chinchilla's are these supercute animal thingy's that bathe in dust cause they can.  Actually, they do it because they can't bathe in water.  The thickness of their fur will make them die........ What a tragedy! Luckily, there has never been a chinchilla that has fallen to my hands; cause my family would never be allowed a pet in an apartment....  😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 !!!!!!!!! Please comment below which one you like more, Pink Chocolate or Chinchilla..... Thank you.

Malaysian Habits...

I am Malaysian, and I have to admit that I do share a few awkward habits with many other Malaysians in Malaysia. (duh...) Firstly, I enjoy eating very fatty food and I end up really fat, but we're not talking about that... Here are 5 SO MALAYSIAN Habits: #1 - Nothing to eat? MAMAK! Whenever we Malaysians are hungry, we don't think twice about cooking, we just go out to eat - especially the mamak shops. These are some hawker shops where they give usually quite fairly priced food which is also very unhealthy... Is that a bad thing? #2 - TEMBAK!!! Whenever us Malaysians don't know the answer to something, for example, a test question, we use our amazing TEMBAKING skills. This word basically means guessing, but not educated guessing, but MEH guessing. #3 - BATA... Bata is a very popular shoe shop in Malaysia, for one main reason, the shoes they sell are extremely cheap compared to normal shoes from other shoe shops. However, this word BATA has a hidden meaning,

Definitions Of Lol

I must give almost all my credits to Awesomeness_Burrito, however, he didn't think of posting this himself, and we raced.  Unfortunately for him, he had bad internet, so I won the race.  These are the definitions: LOL Laugh(ing) Out Loud LOL Lots Of Love LOL League of Legends (game) LOL Little Old Lady LOL Lots Of Laughs LOL Labor of Love LOL Loads of Love LOL Land O' Lakes LOL Lots Of Luck LOL Loss of Life (insurance) LOL Locks of Love (Lake Worth, Florida charity) LOL List of Lists LOL Lack of Love (game) LOL Lowest of the Low LOL Lady of the Lake LOL Lots of Laughter LOL List of Links LOL Love of Life LOL Language of Love LOL Leg of Lamb LOL Land of Lincoln LOL Lord of Lords (Jesus) LOL Learn Online LOL Live-On-Line LOL Live Out Loud LOL Lightolier (Genlyte Group company) LOL Lord of Life (Church) LOL Laws of Life LOL Loss of Light LOL Lands of Lore (game) LOL Loyal Orange Lodge LOL Love On Line LOL Legend of


No, that was not a spelling error. I was NOT meant to have spelt SANDWICHES. Sandwitches are witches made of sand. They are made of sand. They are the colour of sand. Some of them are the colour of red sand because they think it's cool. I personally like witches made of purple sand, but there aren't any of those... Today, we are doing SANDWITCHES vs. SANDWICHES!!! FIGHT! Sandwitch blows sand at now inedible sandwich. Sandwich shoots vegetables at the sandwitch which starts to melt because it doesn't like veg... Sandwitch uses ancient sand magic to turn sandwich into something else but it doesn't  work! - the sandwich is too strong! Sandwich pukes all over sandwitch and sandwitch dies.... THE END.

How To Use Chinese Brush Pen (Demonstrations By Me)

See the Chinese brush pen is this complicated thing you use to make Chinese characters. This is what a Chinese brush pen looks like: So guys, this is a Chinese brush pen. Holding a Chinese brush pen is harder than looking at it. You have to use smartness in the mind... And that is my fabulous psychology in brush pens. Bai!!! Just joking... This is how you hold the Chinese brush pen:                                                                                                    That is my hand, holding the brush.  So, I hope you've learnt alot. JK.  Let's continue.... The picture below has demonstrated me having written my Chinese name on a piece of paper:                                           These are the Chinese strokes you need to know:                                                  1. Heng 2. Shu 3. Pie (pronounced pee-yeh) 4. Na 5. Dian So that's the Chinesey stuff. I


My great friend, or so I hope, known to all of you as: A peculiar sort of author, can express all her feelings through English.  It is positively amazing.  I have been particularly inspired by all of it.  Therefore his has encouraged me to write something of my own.  It is not as long, complex, and awesome as A peculiar sort of author's, but I sort of worked hard at it so... It was raining.  Silvery drops cascading from the sky.  As alluring as it looked, a strange sense of uneasiness was spreading, becoming highly conscientious.  A flare of lightning, flashing across the sky, seemed to seduce us into seeing hallucinations.  The view goes obscure.  Our vision is fading.  Never has the world felt so unforgiving.  We are floating through space.  Although it is absurd to be doing nothing.  This is what nothing feels like. A cruel smile.  Doesn't it contain a hint of ambition, but does it comprise of fear like the being in front of me?

Cute Desktop Wallpaper

You guyz should really see my desktop wallpapers. They are SOOOOOOOO cute!!! Here are some ideal desktop wallpapers!!!!! Select the :tile: while choosing your desktop to make these look SO MUCH COOLER!!! #1 - Gymnastics! #2 - Tumblr! #3 - Kawaii food and animals! #4 - UNICORNS!!! #5 - Random cuteness and humour! Those are really cute #InThePFU'sOpinion!!! BAIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Songs for medium voice

I have a medium voice range and it's really hard to find songs that I can sing without straining. Here are some of them... #1 - Read All About It real song karaoke #2 - Girl on Fire (lower) real song karaoke #3 - Skyfall real song karaoke #4 - Try real song karaoke #5 - Rise real song karaoke #6 - Faded real song karaoke WHEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! THOSE ARE 6 VERY EASY SONGS FOR MEDIUM VOICES - HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!!!

Restaurants in Malaysia (HOW WE EAT)

Malaysians are very different to many other people around the world... We tend to be a bit... MEH... Here are some restaurant situations  (I actually observed and wrote notes on this so its actually accurate) HOW TO ORDER FOOD IN MALAYSIA... STEP 1: Long food discussion - What you want? STEP 2: Father asks - How much? STEP 3: While ordering half way, waiter comes and asks - You want drink or not? Father asks - Free or not? Waiter says - Free flow! We start ordering drinks... STEP 4: Family discussion - Set or Alacart cheaper? STEP 5: Decision made!!! STEP 6: WAITER!!! or... A MEI!!! or... XIAO JIE!!! or... AUNTIE!!! or... BOI!!! or... ORDER!!! (you get the picture) STEP 7: Waiter tries to avoid you as much as possible and pretends not to see you... After a few minutes, waiter comes -  Yes, can I take your order? STEP 8: Family takes order, but by then, decides to cha nge what we're eating and we spend a LOOOOOONNNNGGGGGGGGGG time choosing - W

Somethings coming part 1

I'm sorry I haven't posted in around 20 billion years but I haven't really been able to come up with anything. ------ Maria was dead. Silence echoed of the room in quiet agreement. Maria was  dead. I took one breath. Another. I put my hands over my mouth at the bloodied mess at my feet. Maria was dead, why was Maria dead? I couldn't cry. I couldn't think. I hugged my sister's body in hope she would come back, that this was a dream. Tears finally fell from my eyes. And I shook. Sirens echoed about the room and police officers stormed into the room, breaking down the locked door. "Stand up. Put your hands up," The police pointed a gun at me. I did not move. " Stay away from my sister!" I yelled. "Kayla Greene, move away from the body," the police said calmly, "Or I will shoot." It had been a while since someone had used my name. I stood up. "Why did you kill your sister?" "My sister. My sister is hu


Guys, my posts aren't popular, but this is important.  Ok, I am lazy so I forgot to make a post about a special occasion!  The special occasion is...   TIFF'S BIRTHDAY!!!!! YAY!!!! So, to express how awesome Tif_Awesomeness is, please post a comment, as long or short as you want, to convey stuff, as a favour happy birthday to Tiffany... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR TIFFANY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!! YAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gratitude to Tiffany.  Express your felicitations to Tiffany. Thank you for your consideration. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIFF!!!!! MAY PINK FLUFFY UNICORNS SMILE UPON YOU!!!! (guess who this is...)

If I Were A Doughnut, What Would I Do????

Doughnuts, ah, doughnuts, the perfect unhealthy food. If I were a doughnut, what would I do???? The first thought that would come to my mind: OMG, I am a broken doughnut, there is a hole in me!!! The second thought would probably be: I'd rather have strawberry frosting instead of being a chocolate doughnut. If I had a third thought, I would think, as a doughnut, of course: That doughnut over there is staring at the floor, he looks kind of glazed. Life as a doughnut would be odd. I've actually been wondering, how is doughnut really spelt.  Is it doughnut, or donut? I feel originally, it was doughnut, because it was made of dough, but nowadays it's called a donut, and don't ask me why... Doughnuts!!! Teacher:  If can't is short for cannot, what is don't short for? Student: DOUGHNUT! Sugar rush.... Guys, I think I'm sick, but not of doughnuts... I feel really empty on the inside...

- SCHOOL LIFE - expectations vs reality

Life is hard. Some things don't happen as you plan. Here are some of them you can definitely relate to. #1 - Exams Expectation After 10 days of intense study - 100%!!! Reality After 2 months of intense study - 56%... #2 - Parents' reaction Expectation Me: Ma! I got an A*+!!!! Mother: Wah!!! So good!!! I give you 100 ringgit! Reality Me: Ma! I got an A*+!!!! Mother: WAH!!! ONLY A*+ AH, WHY NO A**? GO STUDY NOW!!! NEXT TEST BETTER GET A** AH!!! YOU HEAR ME OR NOT?!?!?! #3 - IQ Expectation This IQ test is SOOOO easy!!! [checks score] YES!!!!! My IQ is 200!!! Reality Aya, this IQ test sooo easy! [checks score] WALAU!!! I CALL HACKS!!! #4 - 1st day of school Expectation ALL PREPARED!!!! Reality SHOOOT!!!! What should I bring?????????? #5 - School trip packing Expectation I'm all packed for next week's school trip!!! Reality ARGHHHH!!! We've got to leave to the school trip now but I still have to pack my bag!!! #

The Tale Of Mr Cow (Real Version)

In this blog, I did make an earlier post about a cow named Mr Cow, and that clearly doesn't make sense, because cows are girls... This is the real version of the story: Once upon a time, there was a cow named Mr Cow.  She lived in a field with a bunch of other black and white cows. One day, she got bored of eating the plain, tasteless grass that was in the field so she decided to leave the field to eat better grass. On her way, she bumped into a troll.  The troll said: Nobody can cross. (I bet right now everyone is thinking that this is plagiarized from the three billy goats, but it's not) Mr Cow was pleading the troll to give permission for her to pass him. Suddenly, the troll pounced on Mr Cow.  Mr Cow panicked and headbutted the troll. (I decided to put that in the story because once I was headbutted by a cow) The troll turned into an enchantress. (See?  Another fairy tale.  Beauty and the Beast) The enchantress cursed Mr Cow for two reasons. 1). Mr Cow


HELLO once again. I'm bored. Time for more bad puns, eh? Also all jokes go to their rightful owners. :) 1: Me. [ok I already made that joke – wait, my parents did.] 2: You. [this is ALSO from my other post, be more original.] 3: Us. [stop... just stop.] 4: Astronomers got tired of watching the moon rotate around the earth for 24 hours, so they just called it a day. 5: What did the buffalo say to his son when he was going to college? Bison. 6: Rick Astley will let you borrow any of his Pixar collection DVDs but he will never give you Up. [THAT ONE'S FOR YOU TOBY] 7: Life without Pepe is memeingless. 8: What did the cell say to his sister when she stepped on his foot? Mitosis. [HAHAHAHHA NERD JOKES] 9: I don't trust stairs because they're always up to something. 10: A crazy wife tells her husband moose are falling from the sky. The husband says, it's reindeer. [HAHAH OMG I JUST CAN'T] 11: Thank you, my arms, for always being


So much for Jessica Gan's post title. It's meant to be untitled. That is the default, she just doesn't understand that... If you want to be random, Jessica, whether or not you are reading this, PICK SOMETHING RANDOM... ... ... I guess because Jessica's posts are more popular than mine, I shouldn't really be complaining or going against her. She did make the blog. ... ... ....... More ...'s Etc. A random topic is for instance, is a tasty ice-cream flavour.  Or perhaps the colour of shoes that you prefer. To make things random, I'm gonna say that this topic, which is after all Untitled to be about Lightning. So, what is it like to be lightning? You live about two seconds. You have high voltage. (As you can tell, I am researching stuff in the dictionary) You kill stuff.  Anything in your path.  Ruthless, dreadful, you show no mercy... The End. Just joking... Clouds are pretty much the mommy and daddy of lightni

Post title

At this point, you know I've run out of ideas. Post title is the ghost writing in every post title (when it's empty) This post is entitled "Post title". Now let's describe this page I'm in. On the top line of this page, there it the Blogger symbol along with the word Blogger.  Next to that is a line. On the top right is nine squares  (Google apps). Next to that is the white notifications bell in a grey circle. Next to that is a Pink Fluffy Unicorn (my profile picture). On the line below that it says #AWESOME with a dot on it's right and the word Post written in orange. Then is the long empty box where we put our post title  (my current post title is Post title). Then is another PFU with the words  Posting as Jessica Gan  next to it. Then is the orange box with the white Publish in it. Next to that is the light grey box with the word Save on it. Next to that the same box with the word Preview on it. And next to that