I am head of the blog, ANNIE

To all of you viewers who were tricked by Annie's recent post, let me enlighten you.

I am actually the head of this blog.

I do also have a hierarchy, however, mainly to do with the number of posts people have, how frequently they post, and how annoying they are their content...


#1 - ME, Jessica Gan ( I'm the head, not the deputy )
I is amazing!

#2 - Annie Jakes-Mckay (Valued member much )
Pronounced as Annie Jake-es-Mckay...

#3 - Beyourself_xy ( Professional England speaker )
Xy, your England is en pointe...

#4 - A peculiar sort of author ( Why so English? )
Super Englishy, can't stand it (not rlly)...

#5 - Awesomeness Burrito ( Off )
I think this burrito has gone off...

#6 - Eliya ( Clickbait )
Once called elliethatnerd. Eliya, clickbait again! Gotcha, didn't I?

#7 - TiffAwesomeness ( She is rice... whoops, nice*)
Well done Tiff, you live up to your name unlike the person in the #5 spot. Just wish you had more posts...

#8 - Pan Xuan ( What happened to you? )
She joined at the same time as xy. How many posts does she have?
2. But oh no, it's the opposite of that isn't it?

#9 - Ada Lee ( Herro? You there? )
You ain't posting...

That is that. Annie should be grateful that I put her after me after what she has done.

But I forgive her because I am a nice person.

If I was not head of the blog, I would be the toe. And toes are TOEtally rubbish...
(pun intended)

Plus, where would the blog be without me?

Right, it won't be.




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