Kitten the Bug - The Plugworld, and Mrs Ellionock - Ep 8

Dear Diary,
As I was going down the dirty plug, darkness engulfed (a new word Tara thought taught me) me...

Where was Fluffy and Sid?

They had disappeared?

Tara held on to my hand and sang. This song was in an odd language, one that I did not understand. And as Tara kept singing, we dissolved into the water and waves around us. 

We appeared in a hole. But not a deep or dark hole. A small, bright hole. The walls of that hole were made of blu tack. Carefully, I made holes in the blu tack and climbed out. (it was a long climb for me and Tara)

63 seconds later, we were out of the hole and looked around. The place was filled with sand and weird objects. Then, out of no where, out popped a strange creature with no ears.

You know the phrase "as small as a bug's ear"?

I know it - and I have no ears so it must be wrong.

The strange creature smiled at me. It was not a bug.

Tara just smiled and climbed out of the hole, hugging the strange creature tightly. I tried to stop her for her safety but she did it anyway, then told me, "This is Mrs Ellionock, she's a friend of mine!" 

I was quite happy to hear that Tara would not be dead because of Mrs Ellionock and also happy that I would not be dead because of Mrs Ellionock. Now I think that Mrs Ellionock's name is too long so I am going to call her Mrs Enk. Tara says it's cool because it sounds like ink.

Mrs Enk took us on a tour of what she called "The Plugworld". "The Plugworld" was probably the most beautiful, magical, unicornly place I had ever seen. There were rainbow chickens flying around and owls made of cheese. (I like cheese so I ate some of one but Mrs Enk and Tara weren't too happy)

Finally, Mrs Enk brought us to her house. It was a large alarm clock (size of house), sticking out of the ground at an angle, so much so you can use the big ringer things as a doorbell. Mrs Enk took out a key and opened the door, and WOW. WOW. The inside was the most bootiful place EVER. It had little things that seem to go missing everywhere. I happily danced around, only to come face to face with...


The pink, purple, blue and poop brown ones. 


Read that to find out about what had happened before...

I immediately grabbed them and hugged them.

Suddenly, I didn't know what came over me.

I grabbed them and ran for the exit hole.

I jumped in and appeared back in Fluffy and Sid's bathtub. I was holding the marbles. I was so happy.

Out of the plug blue, Tara appeared.

She started shouting at me but only one sentence seemed important.

I felt myself disintegrating into nothingness.


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