If I Were The Head Of The Blog (Sigh, I'm not! :( )

If only I were head of the blog.  It would become a much awesomer place.  (In my opinion, at least)

This would be the hierarchy:

Head: Cheesy_Owl_820 (Blah di blah di blah I can't remember the rest)

Deputy Head: Jessica Gan

Head Of Englishy Posting: A Peculiar Sort Of Author

Deputy Head Of Englishy Posting: Elliethatnerd aka eliya (That's what she is nowadays weirdly...)

Head Of Copycat Examiner: Beyourself_xy

Head Of Rice Testing: Tif_Awesomeness

Head Of Coloured Font: Pan Xuan

Person Who Is Useless And Scrapes The Toilets For Us: Awesomeness_Burrito

(Hehe, I hope you aren't reading this Awesomeness_Burrito.

You should have seen yourself the other day.

"Oh, the sky is made of Ruffles, and so is the ground," he said.

And with that, he picked up a stray piece of stone from the ground, attempted to look enigmatic with his nose turned up and said, " A wonderful specimen." before popping it into his MOUTH!

Although he later denied doing so, I distinctly saw him retch and throw the poor rock onto the ground.)

So sad...  I feel really bad for the rock...

Law #1: Cheesy_Owl_820 (Blah di blah di blah whatever the rest is, I really think I don't need this name it is too long) is completely in charge and anyone who disobeys whatever I say gets kicked out of the blog.  Too bad bloggers who are reading this, though I'm sure the only one who will get kicked out when I take over will be Awesomeness Burrito, hehehe...

Law #2: Every person must include the words: "I am a PFU" or "Cheesy_Owls are awesome!" in every one of their posts.  Otherwise, they will be kicked out of the blog (I'm totally not thinking of someone who is not using those words *Cough, cough* Awesomeness Burrito...)

Law #3: Everyone must change their blogging name to something that has Ï€ in their name or death!!!

Law #4: All of the bloggers must comment everyday about how #Awesome Cheesy_Owl is.

Hehe, I know Jessica Gan is not impressed.

You should have seen her recent post, "Oh, do not be tricked about how awesome Annie is..."

Maybe I twisted her words a little.

Ok, maybe a lot.

I guess I can make a new blog and be the head...


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