Unexpected conversations

A conversation between a supervillain and a kitten.

Supervillain: So...kitten, I plan to take over the world. (evil laughing)

Kitten: (is sleepy and starts nodding off; it's only a kitten) meow.

Supervillain: Are you not impressed?

Kitten: Meow.

Supervillain: (starts shaking kitten violently) Respond, little fluffy thing! What...what are you doing with your eyes...?! They are so round...so sweet... (faints from overload of adorability)

A conversation between a crazy person and a boring person

Crazy person: (Giggles maniacally)

Boring person: Okay.

Crazy Person: Did you know, I.... PIZZA PIZZA PIZZA, I HAVE A....stop. Look (points at the wall) Paint is DRYINGGGGG!!!!! We'll all be potatoes soon, you know. Or tables. Tables are good for eating. Eating is good for living. Living is good for strawberries. Strawberries are good for earplugs. Earplugs are good for mushrooms. Mushrooms are good for....PIZZA PIZZA PIZZA.

Boring person: Okay.

Crazy person: I know spaghetti is like guacamole, and guacamole is like jalapenos. Jalapenos are like princesses. So are you spaghetti? I'm NOT. I'm not spaaghetti.

Boring person: Okay.

Crazy person: I'm going to burn the house or paint my face blue.

Boring person: Okay.

(You get the point. Crazy people can be more fun unless they are pyromaniacs or like actually insane.)


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