6 T H I N G S T O D O W H E N Y O U ' R E B O R E D

EVERYONE gets bored. You aren't human if you forever are entertained. Now, how do you satisfy your boredom? Here are some ways to keep you entertained (for lazy people, probably including you *smirks*).


Go on 9gag. This website, if you haven't heard of it, is the jackpot of memes. It is sure to keep you entertained! This is safe for everyone if you turn on a 'not safe for work' notification. There may be will be a little swearing, but not that much anyway.

#2 Write

Many people (including myself) love writing. This doesn't specify. Writing can be from writing short stories to practising calligraphy or hand-lettering!

#3 Draw/Paint

Again, many people (including myself), are fond of drawing and painting. Not only will you practise your artistic skill, but this will also relax you and calm you down. You don't even have to draw or paint a certain object or person, just scribble your life away!

#4 Sudoku

Maybe you don't even really like math, but sudoku isn't that mathematical. It's more logical. This is a brain-trainer, for sure. However, sudoku is really fun and is accessible on a device and on paper.

#5 Re-organise your living space/room

Let's all be honest here – the last time you attempted to clean your room was probably about a decade ago. But if you have nothing to do, why not? Just blast some music on (preferably to the maximum volume on speakers) and tidy up. Heck, find some videos on DIY organisations and JUST DO IT! Promise, you will be glad you did it.

#6 Read

I know, reading to some is quite boring – although, I love reading – It doesn't necessarily have to be a book in your hands, it can be virtual. Personally, Wattpad is a winner. It's a website with books written by other users, and you can write your own too (follow me @nureliyazuhayra) ! Maybe you're just too lazy to read. Try Audible. If you watch YouTube, you've probably seen too many videos with Audible sponsors, where you can get a 30 day free trial. So, do it!

You wanna read something else? Read the other posts from #AWESOME.

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