Why You Should Get a Puppy!

Image result for puppies spitzAs you might know, I am a full out animal lover - especially PUPPIES! (or dogs, whatever)
I got my puppy because it was just so cute and I loved it! 
However, there are other reasons to get a puppy besides your love.

Here are 10 reasons why you should get a puppy:

1) They are good for your heart
A study at American Heart Association found that having a dog could actually reduce your risk of getting cardiovascular disease.

2) They can sniff our cancer
Dogs have a sense of smell that is 1 million times stronger than ours. That is why there are army dogs that sniff out bombs or explosives. Research has found that your everyday, average household pooch can be trained to distinguish the differences in the breath of those with breast and lung cancer to those without.

3) They keep us moving
If you have a dog, you have most probably walked it before. Chasing after your furry friend can be the perfect exercise for a 21st centuryer.

4) They can act as furry therapists
There is actually such thing as pet therapy! With a puppy, anxiety, pain, depression and home sickness can finally fade away.

Image result for puppy posters5) They lower our stress levels
Just spending time with my puppy makes it feel like the summer holidays. Maybe they can cheer you up in times of distress too, just like they do to me!

6) They lower blood pressure
High blood pressure seems like a big NO to people in their golden years but with a little support from your furry friends, you can lower blood pressure brought by mental stress

7) They ease social isolation
Puppies can ease almost all your social problems with the wagging of their tails! They give you comfort and higher self-esteem.

8) They can help you quit smoking
The wails and moans from your puppy whilst you smoke motivate you to stop. A study has proved that this has actually worked because of your puppy's super sense of smell.

9) They can help boost your immune system
Just petting your dog can easily boost your immune system!

Image result for puppy posters10) They can detect life threatening diseases
Not only can your puppies sniff out cancer, they can also be trained to identify when their human counterparts experience a seizure or for people who struggle with severe allergies to peanuts, a dog’s extraordinary sense of smell can be used to catch that nut before their owner has a potential reaction.

Hey guyz! I hope you are enjoying my posts about dogs! 

If you love dogs, then remember to comment #doglove1000! 

Also comment if you want me to write more animal articles!


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