What is Malaysia like?

What is Malaysia like?

Find out the truth from a real Malaysian person...


Firstly, Malaysia is in the forever summer zone, like...

Yup, that is my desktop picture that I made myself...

It is the home of the best ...

    Image result for love emoji
  1. Fried Kuey Teow 
  2. Nasi Lemak
  3. Chicken Rice
  4. Satay
  5. Chicken Rendang
  6. Nasi Briyani
  7. Roti Canai
  8. Penang Asam Laksa
  9. Popiah
  10. Bak kut teh
  11. Hokkien mee
  12. Crab
  13. Won ton mee

And MANY others! 

(check out Beyourself_xy's post on SUPER SNACKS FOR YOUR ....................... SELF? ;) [Asian version] by clicking the link! It involves these Malaysian foods.

Malaysia is a great place to go to the beach, where is it sunny, but also extremely cooling and calming! You should go the Pangkor Laut, this really nice beach in Malaysia.

Traffic though, is terrible. You literally get stuck in a traffic jam for like 2 WHOLE HOURS if you are driving in the city (especially KL, Malaysia's capital city).

If you visit the kampung (small town) you might see many cows, chickens, many scenic plantations and views, mountains and more!

The most important thing to me is that you must be able to speak Malay, what we speak in Malaysia.

Here are some things which you might need to say in Malay to find your way around Malaysia:

Where is the toilet? - Dimanakah tandas?
Where can I find the best (Choose a food from above)? -
Dimana saya boleh mencari (Choose a food from above) yang terbaik?
Do you speak english? - Adakah anda bercakap bahasa Inggeris?

Those are basically all you need!

No matter what I think about Malaysia, it is my home, so I love it!
I mean, where would I be without it?


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