Super Snacks for your DOG!

Image result for hungry sad dog

Is YOUR dog bored of dry food? Making your pet's meals more appealing is easier than you might think. 

Try these ways to spice up your dog's meals!


  •  Chocolate contains theobromine, which is poisonous to dogs.
  •  Thiosulphate, an ingredient in onions, garlic, leeks and  shallots can destroy your pet's red blood cells.
  •  Macadamia nuts and avocado are also off the menu.

(I actually had no idea my dog couldn't eat thiosulphate - he ate garlic to kill his fleas)

Add about a third of a soft banana to 1.5 cups of dry food. Slice it, mash it or stir it into the pellets. Not only does it add variety and a bit of healthy sweetness, which most dogs seem to LOVE, but a bit of banana can also settle your dog's stomach.


If you have ever been on a diet, you know all about carrying around baby carrots to satisfy a hunger pang between meals. The good news it that dogs generally love carrots too! They're sweet and healthy enough to make them a regular part of his diet in place of a biscuit. If your dog has particularly soft or sensitive teeth, you can lightly steam the baby carrots so they are softer but still keep the delectable sweet flavour.


Save large or small yogurt pots to store your dog food. You can fit the larger pots with lids, so you can easily bring it with you on a trip with your dog, if it just is always hungry (like my dog). The small yogurt cups should also be just the size of the amount of dog food to give your average sized dog for one meal, so use those to scoop up the perfect amount of food for your dog.

FLAVOUR LEVEL 10000000000000000000!

Has your dog ever refused plain, dry dog biscuits?
Try this safe trick : put a stick of beef jerky into a bag of dry dog food and reseal it for 24 hours. The scent might make the dry food more tempting to your canine.

Please comment down bellow if you want me to write something similar for other animals!


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