The Story of my life ~ Beyourself_xy

I went on a family trip to Korea for a week [that's why i haven't been posting for a while] and i'd like to share something with you... [This may take awhile]

Oh yes, and to make the story more dramatic, add some dramatic background music and scroll slowly with a dramatic voice reading it in your head.

In Korea...

I learnt...

That not only...





are addictive...

But about another fifty things...

are VERY addictive.

I bet... [sorta...]

That you never seen those things before...

I bet... [sorta...]

That only about 3% of all of you reading...

Seen those AWESOMELY SPECTACULAR things before...

On that day...

I said.....

My emoji of the week - 😧😧😧😧😧😧😧😧 ∞


Btw guys, if any of you are visiting Korea this Summer Holiday or any Holiday, Make sure you visit these places:

- Samsung d'light
- Pixar museum/ exhibition
- Eat Army Stew [only for those who takes spicy]
- Eat Kimchi Stew [same for Army Stew]

Have a good life guyzz :)


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