How Often People Post

Have You Noticed How Often People Post On This Blog?

It's usually a period of once a month or so.

Why is that?

Well, people think that they have a habit of doing something.  However, this isn't true!

Statistics show that only 13.5% of children that keep some sort of journal actually continuously do so.

Do you?

Of course, you'll be tempted to lie and accept the glory and praise that may come with it.

But, Meh!  Indifference; to be used when one simply does not care.

Notwithstanding, just be yourself.  People don't have to like you, and you don't have to care.

Wow, I am seriously going off topic.


Anyway, we typically have to get persuaded to do such a thing.  I don't know why.

Possible Excuses:

Most Popular One:  I don't feel like it.

This usually happens.  It is based on your mood.  You never feel exactly the same.

Do you?

Prove it.  And don't lie.


  1. I never feel exactly the same. Except when i get a feeling of deja vu. [Ask people who learn French what that means. It's a very well used concept to describe having been in that place before]

  2. Thumbsup to you sister!! You've got a very mature outlook to life for someone so young,,, indifference is a struggle many of us are going through in life. without it the world will be a much better place :)) keep up this view and u might change the world one day. CARE!! :D


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